A Carbon Disaster.

Essays | Chloe Loy | March 16th, 2023.

The ConocoPhillips Willow-Alaska oil drilling project has generated environmental controversy across the nation. Approved on March 13th, this $8 billion project will involve decades of oil drilling in three separate sites on Alaska's North Slope. Despite creating job opportunities, indigenous communities such as the Arctic Iñupiat group claim the project will encroach on their native land and traditions, according to Nagruk Harcharek reported in an article from The Guardian

Pumping 500 million barrels of oil through a fragile ecosystem that is continuously warming is reckless and will inflict harm on the culture, wildlife, and climate of Alaska. This carbon disaster is estimated to produce 260 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions. Correspondingly, the Biden administration was met with outrage after his approval of the Willow Project, as its repercussions completely oppose his promised environmental agenda. The American people feel betrayed by Biden's decision but furthermore are concerned about the irreversible damage this project will have on the climate crisis and the killing of Alaska's animals. “The drilling will fragment this habitat, increasing noise, air pollution and human traffic,” critically harming millions of migratory breeds such as Somateria Fischeri birds and the endangered Rangifer Tarandus herds.

Change.org and popular Tik Tok campaigns called #stopWillow have produced petitions that have over 3 million signatures today. Environmentalists and influencers have attempted to draw the attention of decision-makers to stop the Willow Project since its discussions have begun. Opposers will continue their efforts as demand for support against the Willow Project has been expedited as a result of Biden's decision.